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TGA guidelines state you must have a medical condition for 3+ months to qualify for plant medicine. Some examples include chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraine.
Under TGA guidelines you must have tried other treatments before you can be considered for plant medicine.
TGA guidelines further require that these other treatments must have failed to provide relief or had unwanted side effects. Select the answer which best applies to your situation.
Psychosis - a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

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Unfortunately, you are likely not suitable for our care.

Based on the information provided, you are likely NOT SUITABLE for our care.

The Australian government has provided strict guidelines that prevent some patients from accessing plant medicine at this moment. The main criteria is that you suffer from a chronic condition and conventional medication is not properly working for you.

If you feel this is the case for you, contact us at [email protected], as we might be able to help.

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